November 22, 2012
New Delhi
PM's statement to the media at Parliament House on the start of the winter session
Our Parliament has a very heavy Legislative agenda during the Winter Session. I seek cooperation from my colleagues in the House to come together and address the issues and challenges that we face as a nation. We are ready to discuss all issues on the floor of both the Houses. We all have an obligation, in opposition as well as in Government, to work together to enable our parliamentary democracy, of which we are genuinely proud to grapple with the formidable challenges facing our country.
Our country faces many problems on the economic front arising out of the consequences of global economic slowdown. We need to create new jobs on a large enough scale to provide gainful employment to our youth. We need to increase investments in infrastructure sectors and social services like health and education to accelerate the tempo of economic growth. Our Govermnent is committed to these tasks but success thereof requires cohesive collective action on the part of all segments of our polity.
I invite all political parties to join hands in this vital national endeavour.
Printed from the website http://www.pmindia.nic.in